Free online Stable Diffusion

Instant access to hundreds of models

Generate stunning images for free

straight from your favorite messenger app!

🚀 Instant, free, hyper-realistic image generation in 1344x768px resolution

🌍 Universal understanding with auto translation for all languages

🪄 Prompt Magic, automatically boost your prompts for awesome results

🤖 Empowered by the latest Stable Diffusion models

💸 Dive in now, for free, zero commitment

See PixelPet in action

Transform your chats into a canvas! Add @PixelPetBot on Telegram and experience awe-inspiring imagery today.

Join the PixelPet Discord community

Collaborate and find inspiration, or add the PixelPet Discord Bot to your own community and let your imagination run wild!

Unlock a world of visual magic! Add @PixelPet on LINE Messenger, and bring your imaginations to life in seconds.

Sign up for future releases

Viber is currently in closed beta. Join the waitlist now to get early access!